12 Week Dark Goddess Immersion


12 Week Dark Goddess Immersion. Once a week for 12 weeks you will get a email with a Call about 1 aspect of the DARK GODDESS. List Below.

  1. Hecate (Crossroads)
  2. Lilith
  3. Pandora (Living outside the Box)
  4. Eris (Discord and Deviancy)
  5. Venus (Love is War)
  6. Sophia (Dark Wisdom)
  7. Inanna (Underworld Decent)
  8. Tiamat (Chaos is Order)
  9. Maat (No Balance Required)
  10. Hera (Rock the Cradle, Rule the Earth)
  11. Sekhmet (Sacred Sacrifice)
  12. Psyche (Transformation)
  13. 2 Hour Mentorship Call With Me