High Class vs Low Class Pussy


Over the Years I have taught MANY classes on various topics, however no matter what I teach the common denominator in everything is YOU.

This is not just a slogan or words of accusation, is a very POWERFUL OBSERVATION. Once accepted, you can begin to ask yourself some VERY SERIOUS QUESTIONS.

Questions that dont allow for the Illusions of the Light and take you into the Wisdom of the Darkness. A wisdom that sees everything asĀ SEPARATE AND UNEQUAL.

Ladies that one Revelation will SHIFT the way you Comprehend and Embrace Life Choices

One of the Most Dangerous MindSets is the one that Projects and Assumes Everyone is LIKE YOU. Ohhhhh Dear Sister....The Class System is VERY REAL and its WOMB BASED.

Its a DARK TOPIC because no one wants to be seen as or accept themselves as BASIC, when indeed alot of us are and are acting that way.

In a time of Feminism and Girl Power women are believing we are all the same....

If you OPEN YOUR DARK EYES you will CLEARLY SEE women have NEVER been all the same and NEVER WILL BE. The Women First Agenda You Believe in is a LIE. The Election of the last President should have CLEARLY Shown you that....

No Matter How Much You Want To Bury Your Head in the Sand and Pretend All Vaginas are Equal, Ladies Its Simply NOT TRUE.

Some of us GET FUCKED and some of us DO THE FUCKING...

I am doing a 7 Day Class on Low Class vs High Class Pussy and I will be going into a STUDY on what the Difference is Between Both Sets of Women...

Raw and UNCUT!