Spiritual $ex


This month is the LAST MONTH for the Elemental Whore Classes to be Public.

They will all be back VAULTED. I dont have time for stealing and wishy washy women. The PHALLUS WORSHIP Group (Whore 104) will be closed next Saturday and our FINAL CALL on Spiritual $ex The Dark Way will also be next Saturday. We have had a good time together cutting up! Yall Freaks ha!

We will cover

Using $ex $emen

$exual $timulants

$ex $tates of Trance

Body Conjuring

The Orgams for The Whore

My Whore Students already know I DONT TEACH BASIC but with this class just becareful because you cant undo what you do to a mans body. Your ass will be stalked and shot like megan. 

There is a coupon code "goodlife" that will get you 10% off this week only.