WATER/FIRE: Full Elemental Whore (103)


Yes Men Have FEELINGS.....

They are Simple and Complex beings but The Whore knows what other women dont....

Ladies it is the FALSE TEACHINGS OF THE WOMEN AROUND US (who we listened to)....that have us fucked up with relating to men. Listening to our Mothers, Aunts, Sisterhood Circles, etc have shaped how we RELATE to them. Before we even had a real authentic conversation with a man, we had conversations in OUR HEADS about what a man should and should not do....WE NEVER ASKED HIM....we assumed he was to support us, protect us, provide for us, all based on FAULTY INFORMATION. Information we got from POOR SOURCES. Most of our own mothers, aunts, church elders, etc DIDNT HAVE LOVING SUPPORTIVE RELATIONSHIPS with men. To add salt to the injury some of us didn't have stable relationships with our fathers or the men around us. Instead of hearing their side of the fucked up story, we dismissed their side and made up our own version of events, all based on what a women told us. TRUTH IS...even if the women were right, we still didn't get the OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY. Sisters, we all know just by being black women how half of a story can displace your identity and emotional maturity. After all, the world believes black women never contributed to civilization and we have to deal with racism and sexism because the world has HALF or NONE OF OUR TRUE MATRIARCHAL STORY.

Mens DRIVE to Protect and Provide is Based in THEIR PASSION and DESIRE for LIFE, mainly EXPRESSED in sexual dominance BUT mostly Expressed in their NEED TO BUILD, CONQUER and DOMINATE. The Wise Whore knows how to INSPIRE and MOTIVATE that in the men she needs.

This took us 3 months to complete also and it was the hardest for the ladies...because our own feelings about men have created wounds that trigger shut down responses. Get ready to TRIGGER THRU....so you can MASTER EMOTIONAL MATURITY in ANY relationship you have with men.